My name is Becka, I am pictured above with my feline friend, Carson. Carson is my inspiration for this blog.
Carson has been with my Husband and I for a year and a half now, though truly I believe he and I have been connected for much longer than that. Have you ever met someone and although you've only known each other for a brief time you feel like you've known them your entire life? This is how I describe my relationship with Carson.
In-spi-ra-tion: Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
So, why is Carson my inspiration? The simplest reason is because of his unfaltering spirit. Can you imagine if humans were more like cats? The patience, confidence, dignity, persistence and absolute emotional honesty. We as humans are taught to hold back certain emotions or thoughts, so often lack patience and confidence and give up on things that seem too far from reach. Cats could teach us endless lessons if only we knew to watch and reflect upon what they demonstrate.
Recently, Carson has gone through quite the trial. He became very ill and had to be taken to the vet clinic after hours on the weekend. When the doctor told my Husband and I the condition Carson had I immediately started educating myself on the Internet. I can tell you that what I read did not give me relief. The information I read was terrifying and did not offer much hope. I read so many people's stories--and the outcome for Carson seemed grave. Now that Carson has made almost a 100% recovery I thought I should do my part and post Carson's story, so that he might cast a light of hope for another experiencing the same frightening situation.
My next post will tell Carson's battle with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), formerly known as feline urologic syndrome (FUS).
I'm so happy you have a blog now!! Good job!!
ReplyDeleteAnd...Carson is a WALKING MIRACLE.
Hi Becka--this blog will be fun. I think your perspective on the souls of animals will be enjoyed by lots of people! You have a special heart for them and some really unique experiences!!! I was there the day you found Carson--he really "chose" you!!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Linda. You have alot of offer here in the way of perspective and experience with animals, AND people, I must add. Let your "light" shine!
ReplyDeleteMom & Linda,
ReplyDeleteThanks, cheer squad! :)